Mar 14, 2012

Cloud + DLP

Bunny's Cloud Lecture:

You do your worst work when you think you know an object.

The light of the dark is the dark of the light. Alternate: Make the dark side darker than the light.

Details in the midtone.

  • Cumulus
    • Puffs of cotton with flat bottoms.
    • Scales down when they recede.
  • Stratus
    • Low, flat. Brings rain/snow.
    • Becomes fog when they're close to the ground.
    • Linger for days.
  • Cirrus
    • Thin, fuzzy edges.
    • High up.
    • Made of ice.
  • Cumulonimbus
    • Cumulus with snow and rain.
Clouds do not travel. They disperse and form elsewhere.

DLP Critique
  • Multiple characters designs
    • Clarity - Make things clear enough for a modeler. Keep in mind silhouette and volume.
    • Shape variations - Design multiple characters using at least three different heads. Do not be restricted by guidelines. If given the prompt "poor", not all of the poor are skinny.
    • Backstory - Have posture show backstory. Design shapes after a clear definition of the personality and cater the shapes to that.
      • Hands - Expressive. Don't fall short on hands and feet.
      • Props, Hairstyles - Good for customization. Have glasses mirror the eyes. Big glasses for awe and small for sneaky.
    • Push - It's better to push a design to the breaking point than to seem as if a concept is stuck on one design.
    • Environment - Don't be wary of adding people if it helps with the mood. Keep it sparse enough so that the environment is readable.
    • Portfolio - Include disliked ideas (as long as they are done well) for someone else may like them.