Aug 30, 2011

Ani12: Lecture

Ani 12 is awesome! John Clapp was awesome! I am sad I have to give it lower priority than my other classes. Silly TA 100W.

Notes I've written down:

John Clapp has a disorganization pet peeve.

Blind contour drawings have more importance that they are given. Perspective is often better in a blind contour drawing because when the brain attempts to remedy any supposed errors in a drawing to fit the perspective, the result is ruined instead.

Blind contour drawings irritate the left brain since it can't see the drawing to make the symbols. Making recognizable symbols is one of its main features. The left side believes it knows how to draw. After a while, it resigns and allows the right brain to take over. Until then, placate the voice and treat it like a crazy relative.

Drawing blind requires much more energy though because of the focus it requires. That's why infants require much rest since they have yet to develop the left side of their brain and all they do is take in visuals with their right brain.

You can tell a good artist when you see that their level of quality in a drawing hasn't dropped from their quality in an blind contour drawing.

Having or stroking an ego (left) will often hinder performance (right)

1p/2p/3p perspective does not refer to how many vanishing points there are because there can be a multitude of those. Rather the number refers to how many sides are receding of the x, y, z axis.
Four most common mistakes drawing the cube:
  1. There are no vanishing points. It is an isometric drawing.
  2. Vanishing points are too close. The cone of vision does not encompass the whole picture.
  3. There are multiple horizon lines.
  4. One side is too long.
Presentation Notes:
Think in terms of the audience. Why do they care?
Address the audience. Lock eyes. This also prevents them from looking away.
If shy, imagine the presentation as a conversation with a best friend while looking at an imaginary person besides an audience member. They will simply think you're look at someone else.
With presentations, people are more interested with your opinion than facts.

With works of art, be sure to ask for a second opinion cause our work is easy to understand for us since we created it. The work has a creator-centric view.

Nervousness is good while drawing.

Go slow.
Try not to listen to music because it allows the left side of the brain something to focus on and keeps it active. At least no music till skills improve.

With semi/blind contours, instead of going around, go through (similar to a cross contour?) This will improve proportion as well as perspective.

For execution of straight lines, train your elbow with a familiar motion and simply adjust the paper to match the elbow. Also ghost your lines and don't watch the pen. Instead focus on the arrival point.

A perfect square depends on where the viewer is. One face already implies a vanishing point. As for judging the depth of the other face, make sure it's the least foreshortened one.

John has hyphen eyebrows. He also hates lime green in zombie/high tech movies. He also dislikes the typical blue/orange movie poster. John believes Bunny to be an institutional navigator, and Courtney to be a cultural spotter which means he is up-to-date on new happenings.

If a stray line is made, draw over it. This trains the brain to not rush mistakes. Shapes are more accurate than lines. Photos have the assumption of reality. Drawings do not. The brain lengthens foreshortening. Draw through on cubes so distortion will be evident if it occurs on the hidden side of the cube.

Assurance and confidence can make up for sin (BS your way through things?) though you have to always meet deadlines. If you can't, make arrangements in advance. When you are in trouble, anything you say at that point is ridiculous. Only thing you can say is Sorry. I didn't get the work done."

Variables to consider during a project:
  • Time
  • Focus (Priority over other things?)/Attention (Aid?)
  • Money

You can never have all three usually. Either way, never sacrifice on quality.

Leadership is the ability to get people to do something difficult.

A good story is one in which the audience doesn't see what's coming next, one in which they want to and can relate to. Embarrassing stories are great to tell.

An exercise in making a good story is to listen to your inner child. That inner self wants that last donut. (They have that basic desire in which everyone can relate to?) Adults moderate their emotional roller coaster, but a child doesn't.

  • If one VP moves in 0.5 inches, the other VP moves out 2. (0.25, 4)
  • To find the diagonal vanishing point, you shoot a line out from the right angle intersection made by the VPS that is 45 degrees.
  • Out of these four points (2 VP, 1 SP, 1 Center of vision), you can only pick 3, the last one is fixed.
  • VPs are right angles to the SP.
John thinks Cameron is serious business.

To correctly draw in a shape, you scribble in the shape rather than doing the outline first and filling that in. If you do the outline first, you are judging the shape but the curve and not the shape itself.

Negative shape is the introduction into drawing, and painting.

An expert will look at things differently from a novice. Learn to observe, have a good work ethic, tire yourself out the right way, and have the same form as when you've stared.

Try to draw the same way through a drawing. Some artist will do figures nicely, but when it comes to heads/hands, they will do it differently.

The way you feel about your work now is the way you feel about it for the rest of your life except fewer people will be able to tell.

Perspective is based on two rules:
  • Scale changes with distance.
  • Parallel lines converge on a point.
  • Contrast
  • Simplify
  • Negative Shapes
  • Squint
  • Shadow Shape
Cast Shadow - Hard
Form Shadow - Soft

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